Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Andrew's Review of Book 1: Journey to Mars

In the beginning of the book, Samuel the Squirrel tried to wake up Oscar the Owl by greeting him , but of course they sleep in the daytime mostly, and then they walked into the Enchanted Forest and found a magical walnut on the tree stump. When they touched the walnut, the stump went open and a note said, "With this walnut, you can go anywhere you want, you just have to say this:" and then it tells you the magical poem. And then they wanted to go to Mars! And after the poem they said, "A space trip, to the planet Mars!!!" Poof! They're in a rocket ship heading to Mars. Oscar pushed a button, and they were going at the speed of light! And they were going so fast that shrieks of light went past them, maybe it was just a teeny bit faster than the speed of light. And then they were on Mars. And on Mars, they met an alien named Marty. And just as they were going to Marty's house, an asteroid struck near and Samuel said, "What was that?" Marty said, "Oh, that was a meteorite. We get those often". And then when they reached Marty's house, it looked like a big mushroom! And then he went inside and got out three jet packs. Then they flew into a canyon, and then a creature came out of a hole and then they pushed the blue button, and they went up the canyon, and Samuel the Squirrel said, "Help, someone's pulling on my tail!" Well, maybe his tail, I meant. Marty said, "Oh, that was a rock creature. They come out of nowhere, and they grab anyone in reach. You never see them again." Well, they'll see all their friends again...that's later in the story, but only a few pages. So they went in the deep, dark tunnel, and then it seemed like they saw a nice, beautiful valley with all Marty's friends and family. In the middle was a golden throne, with Samuel on it. "Oscar, you'll never believe what happened! The rock creatures grabbed me and thought I had special powers because I'm from Earth and I told the rock creatures to give peace!" So, they did! And then they have a nice party with eating and dancing, and hugging each other! And then Samuel and Oscar left. And then they said the other poem. I know the other poem, here's how the other poem goes: Home is where I want to be, return me to the magical tree!" Poof! They were at the stump and Oscar put the walnut back on the stump. And they left. And then Samuel said, "Bye, Oscar! I wonder what our next adventure will be?" That's all.

(by Andrew, age 7)

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